huhuh..baru hayati citer neh...

>> Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ni Kopipes dr urang...lebeh kurang gini gak kumen aku....

Eight Below : Inspired by a true story
Saturday, 29. April 2006, 20:52:55
Hi everybody Today I went to see a very emotional film called Eight Below. I had wanted to see this film before the film even came out as I saw it on pictures and stuff. This film is about two men with two siberian huskies and six Malamutes who set off on an adventure. The two guys names were Jerry and Charlie. Jerry was a scientist who found things you can't normally find anywhere else. Charlie was a map-maker. They were waiting for a man named David. David flew in on a plane with a woman who was driving the plane. Her name was Katie. Katie and Jerry made a romantic relationship together. David was a scientist who was looking for parts of a meteorite that had fallen from planet Murcury. Then they encounter a blizzard but David was desperate to find a part of te meteorite so they go looking for one. David found one in the end. The had to get back to base as soon as possible. On there way home, Jerry was tying up the dogs rope surcurely so when they fall into the water, they'll be able to pull them out. While Jerry was doing that David was using the radio to try and communicate with the people at the base. David got to close to the edge of the ice and fell down. It was only a small height but David did break his leg. When he fell down and landed on the ice, the ice started to crack but he couldn't move as he had broken his leg. He fell in. He managed to not drown by holding onto the ice. Jerry was in a panic and got the leader dog called Maya to help. Maya took the rope from Jerry's hand and put it around Davids head and hand. Then Jerry put Maya back on the lead and all the dogs pulled him out. They tried using the radio to get in contact with the people at the base but it was no good. They tried getting to base as soon as possible. When they were back at base Katie got the plane ready and fly then home to get to hospital. But since the plane was small, they could not accomodate the dogs so the dogs were left behind all on there own. Before they left to go to the hospital, Jerry tightened the dog leads so that they dont get loose. Throughout the time the dogs were left on there own, The dogs got loose except 10 year old Jack. They fed themselves on birds and dead whales. When they were eating a whale, A leopard seal came out from inside the whales body. However the dogs worked together and scared of the leopard seal and got to eat lots of the whale. The dogs had stayed there for half a year now deserted all on there own. As there was a blizzard coming, no planes were allowed to fly. Jerry was desperate to get the dogs so he got David to help him out. Jerry said" You have to take chances for the things you care about"They got a boat and sailed all the way there till the ice got thicker and thicker. Then they stumbled across and huge pile of ice. It was to thick for the boat to go through it. It was to far to go to the base were the dogs were by helicopter but the italian base was close enough. From there they took the snowmobile and went to the base were the dogs were. When they got to the base, They found out that all of the dogs had escaped except one who was the oldest. 10 year old Jack was burried in the thick ice and was dead. Jerry tryed not to cry but just did. They stayed there for a little while when they realized that the dogs were running towards them. The were so happy. All the dogs ran into Jerry and the dogs were so glad to see him.All the dogs were in the snowmobile when Max didnt seem to want to go in. He ran off and Jerry ran after him. Then he realized what Max was trying to say. Maya, the lead dog, was lying there as if he was dead. At first Jerry thought he was dead and started to cry a little when Maya opened his eyes. Jerry was reliefed to see him alive. He picked him up and bought him to the snowmobile.( 2 dogs died: One was 10 year old Jack and the other was one of the twins) They went home safley and David was a real hit when he got back as he was the first to discover a part of the meteorite from Murcury. If it wasn't for Jerry, David wouldn't have been alive right now. If you are looking for a emotional and (probably the best film I've ever seen), watch Eight Below!!!!!!I will give a positive / . When it comes out on DVD I will definitley buy it! P.S Don't forget this film was inspired by a true story!Here is a little trailer of the movie for you: Just click on it and it will come up.


Amek dari kandang Pitt

Ni mukan pokok pokok kat rumah mak ai...dia temani hidup kami sekeluarga....
sentiasa mekar berbunga.....cantek sgt....sejak kami kecil smpai aku dewasa.....

Pada suatu hari, Rasulullah s.a.w berjalan-jalan bersama puteri baginda, Saidatina Fatimah r.a. Setibanya mereka berdua di bawah sebatang pohon tamar, Fatimah terpijak pohon semalu, kakinya berdarah lalu mengadu kesakitan.Fatimah mengatakan kepada bapanya apalah gunanya pohon semalu itu berada di situ dengan nada yang sedikit marah. Rasulullah dengan tenang berkata kepada puteri kesayangannya itu bahawasanya pohon semalu itu amat berkait rapat dengan wanita. Fatimah terkejut. Rasulullah menyambung kata-katanya lagi. Para wanita hendaklah mengambil pengajaran daripada pohon semalu ini dari 4 aspek.

Pertama, pohon semalu akan kuncup apabila disentuh. Ini boleh diibaratkan bahawa wanita perlu mempunyai perasaan malu (pada tempatnya).

Kedua, semalu mempunyai duri yang tajam untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Oleh itu, wanita perlu tahu mempertahankan diri dan maruah sebagai seorang wanita muslim.

Ketiga, semalu juga mempunyai akar tunjang yang sangat kuat dan mencengkam bumi. Ini bermakna wanita solehah hendaklah mempunyai keterikatan yang sangat kuat dengan Allah Rabbul Alamin.

Dan akhir sekali, semalu akan kuncup dengan sendirinya apabila senja menjelang. Oleh itu, para wanita sekalian, kembalilah ke rumahmu apabila waktu semakin senja.Ambillah pengajaran dari semalu walau pun ia hanya sepohon tumbuhan yang kecil.



>> Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kenapa eh aku amek filem kuno neh....
eh...yang pasti...citer ni best & menarik.......
saper penah tgk?? (ke aku sorg jerk suker antu thailand neh))
ni pasal sesorg yang suker amek gambo sewaktu di sekolah...
macam aku la dedulu...sejak dr sekolah, kalu kire gambo aku, huh...
xterkire, then masa sekolah aku amek gambo gune camera biase jerk...
jenuh la abg2 aku mencuci gambo biler time aku balik dr lawatan...bukan murah worrrr....xrela ai....thats y pakse abg aku cuci...hahhahh..

simboliknya citer neh,
lelaki seperti gambo tersebut (x ingat sgt da citer nyer...)
dia suker amek gambo & setelah bertahun...
dia menghidapi sakit belakang yg kronik....
(aku pon sllu sakit belakang ni weihhhh)

then, bile dia belek2 balik smuler gambo dia dulu2,
ade bayang2 (menandakan ade roh lalu lalang)
lelaki neh.. ruper nya ade gf masa zaman sekolah...
dak perempuan tuh nerd....
lelaki neh geng ngan dak yg suker buli org...
then, perempuan ni xsilapnya di rogol reramai oleh kawan2 dia..

then, pastuh....lelaki neh xnak da perempuan tuh walaupon maseh syg...
dorg bercinta pon secara resia....
tp, perempuan tuh mmg syg bangat sama dia...
dorg kan da janji akan hidup bersama2
(biasa la kalu da bercinta, janji sehidup semati bagai)
aku da x ingat camner dia mati..(ni film 2004 yer.huhu)


adess...panjang lebar ehh...citer di hari sabtu neh...
biler da lama....hantu awek dia neh...
cam kaco2 lelaki & awek baru nya....

malas la nak citer....

aku nak citer yg lelaki neh...
dia mngalami sakit tulang belakang yg kronik...
pegi check doktor...doktor kata xde ape2 even biler di scan...
tulang dia cam da bengkok...huhuuh...
biler timbang berat lelaki yg da kurus tuh...
berat dia cam berganda even dia kurus...
nurse cam pelik..(makan batu ka bang??)

ruper2 nya...
ex gf dia yang mati tuh..(antu tuh) la jd pemberat kat belakang dia selama neh...
antu tuh dok atas bahu dia sejak dia mati...sebab tuh la lelaki tuh berat & sakit belakang..
cam ner dia tahu???
tok moh la cakap...tu sebab dia tau??

moral of story:

1.jangan la sesukati dulu la kan....
2.jgn la kite join group dak jahat..
3. jgn amek gambo x senonot (???)
4.bile kite rase berdosa, jgn ingat ia juz 'that it'...musti ade effect in future..
hidup berdasarkan hukum karma...mepek2 da...stop!!!!


aku rase, sakit tulang belakang aku neh...mukan sebab tuh...aku sajerk jerk teringat...
sebab aku xraser penah didendami...tapi tatau la....
hanya Allah yg tahu.....

xbaik percaya bende karut...sajer bercerita...huhuhuhuhu

A young photographer Thun and his girlfriend Jane discover mysterious shadows in their photographs after fleeing the sceen of an accident. As they investigate the phenomenon, they find other photographs contain similar supernatural images, that Thun's best friends are being haunted as well, and Jane discovers that her boyfriend has not told her everything. It soon becomes clear that you can not escape your past. Written by Cleon

In Bangkok, after celebrating a drinking party with his closest friends, the photographer Tun (Ananda Everingham) and his girlfriend Jane (Natthaweeranuch Thongmee) have a car accident on the road, with Jane hitting a girl. Tun does not allow her to help the girl and they ran away leaving the girl lying on the road. When Tun reveals his latest pictures, he finds some mysterious shadows, while the couple is systematically haunted by the ghost of the girl. Tun investigates and finds that the victim was his former shy and weird girlfriend Natre (Achita Sikamana), who studied with him in the college. Later Jane discloses deep and hidden secrets about the relationship of Natre, Tun and his friends. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Pegi Pavilion Lgi...heheheh

>> Friday, December 28, 2007

Wahahahahah...aku p pavilion utk kesekian kali nya...kali ker 3...hikssss...
Pegi naik bas sajorkk...sampai2..kami disambut oleh beberapa ekor lembu...
saper kata kat kl xde lembu...mekaseh la...susah2 jerk lembu2 ni sumer......

Sesampai di sana...kami sempat singgah kat the Loaf...ermmm...menarik.....

tapi da berniat mau makan itu donutt.........

Dengan pilihan terbaik la...sumer nye sedap2 belaka....makaseh syg...banjer ayanggg....

Rich & rich..........

makan sambil nyanyi lagu i am a rich gurl...lalallalalalalala....

mmg ko rich la donut...adesssss.....

Da berapa kali aku amek gambo mende xdpt yg menarik..but kali ni not bad kotttt..
hahahhh......puteh gebuuuuu....

Memang niat dihati nak tgk citer x diwar war kan la sebab takut tiket abeh...

ai sedeh lalu, syukur dapek jugok ambo tgk citor neh...huhuhuhu

U ol mmg best la kalu berlakon....

yang blur tp terer tech, adesss....lucu2 walau pon xmencabar cam yg previous tp bisa buat aku tersenyum lebar biler keluar dr panggung tuh....muaahahahha

Ni gambo sebelom masuk ke dalam panggung...

wahwahhh..senyum yerkkkk....

Kalu anda perasan...robot tuh posing sama cam kami...biler pandang depan, dia pandang depan...biler org senget...dia pon senget...adesss

Ni ha tgh cari seatttt....kami sungguh impress biler masukkk... gilak....

Masuk dalammm...senyum2...amek gambo....time tuh, seb bek xmasuk dlm gold class tuh, kalu x, berselimut la pon jauh lebeh baik dr yg klcc...heheheheh....

Sambil tgu tayangan...sempat la sebat 1901 nehh...

makan dengan nyaman~~~~

Ni ha...da abeh sblm start tgk wayang....

Lihatttt laaaa....

Betapa selesa nya tempat ini...kalu period...xsegan nak lalu depan org...cukup luas....& privacy sket...ahaksss....

Kami ingat cam klcc, amek la seat paling ni la screen yg kami dapek...sebab panggung ni luas...xper la...asalkan xdok depan skali...sakit leher...(da penah raser dok depan skali tgk posaidon kat klcc...huhuhu)

Time nak balik..bakar lemak sbb kejar monorail..huhu..then sempat snap gambo nehh sambil berlari...adessss...aku suker cahaya nyer....nyamannn

Ni 1-1 nya adiah krismes yg aku dpt tahun ni...dari big boss..bangga gak sebab aku sorg jerk yg dapek....hehehehe..macehhhhhh



>> Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mmmm...nampaknya 2-3hari ni aku dok mengepost jerk erk... luv, bosan2...tulis la blog nehhh....

aku gumbira sebab aku berjaya ubah template blog haku neh...makasih kepada sesaper yg berkenaan...(yan)....apsal aku cam lama xsembang ngan dak neh...

lepas sembang ngan akak baru td, (kak yatan haibatt)...aku golek2 atas katil....lapar...aihhh....luvly col...tanya kabar...aku ckp aku lapar...dia nak belikan time tuh baru kul 9 malam..alamak.....

p selongkar peti ais...ade sebijik buah jambu...sebijik buah mangga yg da nak masak...epal + oren yg da, niat dihati nak makan ngan luvly....

ku tenung2 peti es dr jauh...nak makan cokelet??xberbaloi.....sms luvly, nak makan mangga...ermmmm...sepantas kilat jerk aku abih kan mangga tuh...manisssss...

adesss, mangga tuh dessert ker appertizer??apsal aku raser nak makan lg??aku da xleh dok atas katil....

g dapor...goreng telur dadar...masak nasi, makan ngan kicap + sambal tempoyak+cili jerok...yummy2...abisla 1 pinggan penuh...yeay!!!!kenyang...

tp...kenyang tuh xbermakner aku selesa...terlebih makan kot...adesssss...tulunnnnn~~~~


aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg mungkin bisa kau rindu
karena langkah merapuh tanpa dirimu
oh karena hati tlah letih

aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg selalu bisa kau sentuh
aku ingin kau tahu bahwa ku selalu memujamu
tanpamu sepinya waktu merantai hati
oh bayangmu seakan akan

kau seperti nyanyian dalam hatiku
yg memanggil rinduku padamu
seperti udara yg kuhela kau selalu ada

hanya dirimu yg bisa membuatku tenang
tanpa dirimu aku merasa hilang
dan sepi dan sepi


Cuti ini-Kismes

>> Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Lepas bersedeh2 sbb balik raya aji kejap jerk...

kijer sehari, cuti weekend plaks...pastu kijer lg...

cuti kismes ok la, last week..

aku sgt stress...this week aku gumukkan badan kembali....


tp cuti x indah sbb aku kene pk mende2 sarat gak pasal hidup aku..

then, ma lovely on, aku turun katil naik katil jerk la...

yang menarik nya...mmber dtg rumah...dak uia..1 skolah...

so, that nite...we waiting for pak cik santa dtg...

but no show....then, kami balik ah...tgk tv...

bukak tenet lg....sambil tgu partner pulang dr kirija...

next day....

mangun pg dlm kul 9am....tgk citer kalkor ngan member...

kami gelak love still malu2 ngan member...

adesss...seb bek mmber aku selamba, xheran sgt la....

kul 11, lepas abis tgk citer, p masak utk mmber...

makan sesama....then, 1 by 1 tglkan aku...lovely p kijer...

then, fwen kene balik buat assignment.....

but, u cool beb.....

mengimbau kenangan lama...haihh...

cam yan gak da neh..tema..kenangan ku~~~ (nyanyi sket...)

kenangan bersama

kami suker menari
lagu industan lg, tp zaman s.r.k la...
kat asrama ngan junior kami yg agak 'kendu'..hiksss....
xkire kat dorm atau dalam kelas..

(kelas ai sumer perempaun time form4)
main gurau2...tarik2 tudung....cikgu masuk...

nyorok bawah meja guru...adesss...kantoi gak la....

kami berdua sllu berlumba2 maths markah tertinggi dlm kelas...
motip??? anak cikgu maths kami (adik angkat aku) dia pon minat....

tp, ai dapat..hehehehe....

tp, we all tetap best fren.....still contact2....
yg bezanya...aku dip...dia ngah abiskan degree...lama nya....
then, dia pakai tudung...aku jerk..bielr la nak jd baik....

mulakan dengan bismillah~~~~~



Mereka Cumel....


Ni lagu karok juga...deduluuuu

>> Monday, December 24, 2007

Tiada Lagi Lyrics


Sedang Ingin~~~bercinta~~~~~

Setiap ada kamu, mengapa jantungku
Berdetak lebih kencang, seperti genderang mau perang
Setiap ada kamu, mengapa darahku
Mengalir lebih cepat, dari ujung kaki ke ujung kepala
Setiap ada kamu, otakku berfikir
Bagaimana caranya, untuk berdua bersama kamu

Aku sedang ingin bercinta, karena
Mungkin ada kamu di sini, aku ingin
Aku sedang ingin bercinta, karena
Mungkin ada kamu di sini, aku ingin

Setiap ada kamu, mengapa jantung ini
Berdetak lebih kencang, seperti gederang mau perang
Setiap ada kamu, mengapa darah ini
Mengalir lebih kencang, dari ujung kaki ke ujung kepala

Di setiap ada kamu, mengapa jantungku berdetak
Berdetaknya lebih kencang, seperti genderang mau perang
Di setiap ada kamu, mengapa darahku mengalir
Mengalir lebih cepat, dari ujung kaki ke ujung kepala

Aku sedang ingin bercinta, karena
Mungkin ada kamu di sini, aku ingin
Aku sedang ingin bercinta, karena
Mungkin ada kamu di sini, aku ingin


Aku yang pening...nyanyi lagu asmara la......

Begini rasanya
Hatiku sengsara
Mengingat dia
Hatiku luka
Kerna tergoda oleh cinta

Ohh oh oh..
Begini rasanya
Hatiku sengsara
Mengingat dia
Hatiku luka
Kerna tergoda oleh cinta

Diri sanggup membela
Kepada saya yang sengsara
Diri sanggup membela
Kepada saya yang sengsara
Oohh asmara..
Banyaklah pengaruhnya
Manusia hidup dalam

Oh cinta
Itu memang satu penggoda
Kita harus tahu menjaga
Agar hidup mulia
Ohh ohh

Ohh ohh
Begini rasanya
Hatiku sengsara
Mengingat dia
Hatiku luka
Kerna tergoda oleh cinta


Cuti oh cuti.....

>> Saturday, December 22, 2007

hrmmm...sedehnya...ari ni aku da ade kat tempat kijer...sungguh la busan & sedeh dihati....

aku xsempat lg nak bermanja...walaupon da tua..aku hanya sempat main masak2 bersama anak sedara & akak...niat dihati nak ponteng ri ni sebab esok abg kata dia nak balik kontan da sabtu, sbb aku da amek tiket ari jumat & possibility xde tiket nak naik bas ari ahad...maka aku batalkan niat memonteng...lg pon aku ni penakut nak memonteng..huhuu...

xper..nnt rayer cina atau masa mak nak operate nnt kite juper lg yer... (pujuk ati sendiri)
aku sedeh sgt sebab hanya kami yg bujang n akak yg mmg dok kat kampung jerk yg, mak pon nanis jerk biler di pagi raye...npon nyer xbenti berdering sbb anak2 nak wish samat ari raya....

mak nanis, aku pon xtahan tgk...
sian mak dok kat kampung...tahun depan...aku nak plan cuti bebaik...xmo balik malam rayer da...xsempat nak buat rendang..kene buat rendang pepagi raye...kuih muih pon xbeli...

tp yer la, raya haji xramai org meraikan nya...
mak...still lg bersemngat nak rayer...upppsss...luper nak salam ngan mak time raya la...adesss..
tp xper..aku da siyom2 mak aku time nak balik...aku harap, dia epi aku balik walau sekejap...

adek doakan mak cepat sehat seperti sediakala...
adek rindu nak makan masakan mak...
macam dedulu...kalu balik jerk cuti sekolah...
musti mak masak sgt...

walaupon orang kata,
biarla mak berehat...ko p la masak utk mak plakss...
tp xsama...mak masak sedap sgt...aku rinduuu....
air tangan ibu amat la bernilai...

adek rindu mak....


>> Friday, December 21, 2007

hai dak yan...epi b'day yer...deretan dr kebz an last week...
sue nak ucap b'day walaupon belated b'day.....


epi bedey to yuk~~~~
epi bedey tu yuk~~~~~
epi bedey tu dak yan yang nakal~~~~
epi b'day tu yuk..~~~~~


Last week agak bz...xsempat nak update blog...then, ade gak banyak mende menarik berlaku...edisi jalan2 cari makan berlaku secara x lansung serta di sambung plaks ngan raya haji...adesss....bak kata cik kapal...perut ku jalan dulu....hikkksssssss

ok...gambo kat bawah ni adalah gambo kat hot mama...tarikh tgk la kat bawah...lepas upload...terus jadi upside down...heheh...da malas nak edit...ehehehe

Kat bawah ni sedap kat otel utk press for chinese new year menu...sempat aku snap sbb nampak lawo gak di mata ku.......
Ni gambo pizza aku buat time rayer haji.....xramai pon yg balik kampung..then mak request nak makan pizza...then, aku buat la 3jenis sardin, ayam & rendang...hahhahha.....
Tiap kali balik kampung....aku merasa la tgk bende2 pelik kat kampung gambo limau nipis yg sgt besar.....dan telah pon kami sembelih buat air limau....oleh abg aku mmg antu air limau...hikkkssss
Time rayer xmeriah, kami buat lemang, rendang, soup dagingaging masak lemak cili padi, kek batik, pizza, kuah loyang yg ditaja oleh kakak giler kuih loyang nehh...yummy2...
Ni....kat pavilion......
Heeheh...donut ni sempat la disantap oleh ku & partner serta cik rozek & kawannya....yummy2......aku suker yg glazy & ade almond tuh...yummy2
Ni...ari aper eh??aku da luper lakss...ari selasa kot...p hot mama...rindu giler...da lama xmakan kat sana...lepas resign kijer kat la pulok ai pigi...syiokkkk.....
Eh...manyak kan mak cik ni makan...adesss
Ni gambo masa nak balik ker KL...xterang sebab da senja n cermin bas cam haper ntah...huksss
Ni anak baru kami...hehehehe.. i like....very cute la weiiii...mama syg u olss....



>> Tuesday, December 18, 2007


ayang nak balik kampung da esok....
sayang jaga diri bebaik yer...
ayang saaaayyyaaannnngggggg sgt kat sayang tau!!
doa kan ayang selamat pegi & kembali kepangkuan sayang k...
musti kita rerindukan...
tp, syg jgn risau...ayang balik 2hari jerk...tengok2 mak...
then, next week...kalu cuti approve kita p jejalan berdua ngan family sayang laks erhkkk...

sayang jangan nanis...
kalu sayang nanis...ayg lagi sedeh tau...
heharap la banjir da surut kat kampung neh...

ermmm, mekaseh tolong ayang cari info semalam,
appreciate it!!!
ayang just pegi cuber nasib...
kalu ayang di terima, mungkin ni bidang ayg seterusnya...
kalu x, mungkin ade hikmahnya...kite tatau..
hanya Allah yang menentukan...

yang baik semua nya dari Allah...
yang buruk tuh datangnya dari diri sendiri kan...
sayang take care yer...adesss sakit perut...

sat...nnt sambung ehhh



>> Monday, December 17, 2007

Aku neh cam beria2 sgt ri ni...

tgh2 dok stress.... mukan tensen sama ker tuh???adess..tatau...tensen tuh akan buat kiter lg stress kalu stress tuh cam da xleh tahan kan...kan...nak xnak...dia datang gak..kan...kann??

ari ni mukan nak citer pasal stress pasal diri sendiri...
pasal masa depan...pasal kepalsuan...pasal kehidupan...pasal aku...

nak cakap pasal care...

aper maksud care bg u ol???? (monolog dalaman haku neh)
care ker dia kalu dia nak tahu kita buat ape, support everything tentang kita, kadang2 borink ngan ape yg kiter dok ulang2 cakap ngan dia. tdo time kiter nak manjer ngan dia???

Rimas kah aku kalu asyik nak suruh dia celik mata<>>>dok citer pasal dulu2,,....sampai partner nak tdo pon xleh....

ntah la....

Kenapa aku sedeh?????

aku xdapat kuar ngan kawan2 balik lambat...lepak2...lepaskan tensen... (dulu da sesat, skrg nak sesat lg???)

sedeh kalu partner xlayan kiter nak bercerita (padahal aku asyik dok ulang cerita yang sama everytime bersama)

aku da xleh habiskan duit kalu aku tensen dgn membeli pelbagai mende yg akhirnya aku buang gak...

aku sedeh sangat sebab working hour kami xsama..hegeh dua orang curik masa sebab nak lating sesama....event g jejalan 4 kali seminggu.....

aku sedeh, kalu time aku nak p kijer...partner xde kat rumah...xbalik kijer lg...

kenapa aku sedeh???

mungkin sebab aku ni ngengada...aku bulum cukup kuat lg nak tempuh sumer tuh...

esok, aku pegi jerk interview kat mariot tuh....bersedia atau x....nak atau x....aku pegi jerk...sebab, aku nak tgk kemampuan diri sendiri...dan aku tahu, utk kesekian kali nya aku akan feel guilty kat diri sendiri sebab nak buat pilihan kelaks...samada stay or go.........

itu adalah aku...sesuatu yg amat aku kesali tentang diri aku............................sukar utk memilihh


>> Friday, December 14, 2007

Korang pernah x raser stress sampai ketar seluruh badan korang...

belakang rase sakit sgt...

kurang xtvt berpartner.....

kepala jgn cakap la......macam mendidih jerk...

aku sendiri pon tak tau kenapa...da 2-3 hari camni...

tgn aku pon da macam Parkinson da....turut mengeletar neh...

da berapa ari bulan neh??? xkan nak period lagi....

simpton ni la yg aku alami setiap kali nak datang bulan...

tapi mungkin ini yang paling teruk kot yg aku alami....sakit sgt paler ni...tulun....mungkin aku kene berehat dari semua ni....

tpi kalu terlebih tdo acamner???

sakit gak paler...skrg ni pon...event aku da naik katil kul 12malam, dalam kul 2 baru la buleh tdo...biasa nya aku tgu ma luvly col kul smlm, aku da x larat nak angkat tepon...aku sedar & dengar phone bunyik tp mmg sengaja aku malas nak angkat...sakit paler...then, pepagi pon da bangun awal da....xmacam biasa...huhuu

sebab tu la aku sllu cakap aku sakit tulang belakang kot....aku baru sedar yg aku stress sgt neh....punca2 nya??? susah nak cakap sebab bile org nampak aku jerk...macam nak terkam...ngan alasan nak mintak tolong, tp tolongggglaaa...aku stress ngan sikap korg yg xnak berdikari lansung...mungkin tu jugak kot...adesss...kalu aku mati...kem salam ngan mak & partner aku yer..huhuhuhu, kem salam gak kat dak yan & anne....huhuhuh (2 org yang aku bawak kemana saja aku pigi)


Factors that Lead to Job Stress

Types of Job Stressors


Specific work factors

  • Excessive workload.
  • Tedious or meaningless tasks.
  • Long hours and low pay.
  • Infrequent rest breaks.
  • Unreasonable performance demands.

Physical environment

  • Noise and overcrowding.
  • Poor air quality.
  • Ergonomic problems.
  • Health and safety risks (heavy equipment, toxic chemicals).

Organizational practices

  • Unclear responsibilities or expectations.
  • Conflicting job demands.
  • Multiple supervisors.
  • Lack of autonomy or participation in decision-making.
  • Inefficient communication patterns.
  • Lack of family-friendly policies.

Workplace change

  • Fear of layoff.
  • Frequent personnel turnover.
  • Lack of preparation for technological changes.
  • Poor chances for advancement or promotion.
  • Tensions brought about by greater workplace diversity.

Interpersonal relationships

  • Distant, uncommunicative supervisors.
  • Poor performance from subordinates.
  • Office politics, competition, and other conflicts among staff.
  • Bullying or harassment.
  • Problems caused by excessive time away from family.



What causes of stress in the workplace?
Typical triggers of work related stress include:
· Insufficient training and opportunities for learning new skills
· Poor worklife
· Lack of control over work
· Excessive pressures on time
· Too much or too little work or responsibility
· Confusion about duties and responsibilities
· Lack of variety and interest
· Organisational confusion, restructuring, changes in the job
*Uncertainty over the future.

Physical symptoms of stress include:
· increased susceptibility to colds and other infections
· headaches
· muscular tension
· backache and neckache
· excessive tiredness
· difficulty sleeping
· digestive problems
· raised heart rate
· increased sweating
· lower sex drive
· skin rashes
· blurred vision

Emotional and behavioural changes
Stress can cause feelings or emotions such as inability to cope, short
temperedness, lack of achievement, loss of appetite, excessive smoking and
drinking, indecisiveness, problems concentrating, lack of control, poor
relationships with colleagues or clients and loss of motivation and


Stress can be good because it motivates you to work quickly. However, when it makes you ill or unable to concentrate, it's a bad thing. If you find work overwhelming and you feel like your job is taking over your life, you need to get control and keep work at the office. Follow these tips to handle stress at work.


Difficulty: Moderately Easy



Step One

Use basic stress coping techniques like deep breathing. Take the time to relax, breathe deeply and let the stress wash over you.

Step Two

Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins making you feel happier and healthier. You can also work off negative feelings and anger.

Step Three

Assess the situation. See if you can find ways to reduce the stress. Pass part of the work to someone else. Ask for help.

Step Four

Make time for yourself. If you work all the time, you will lose the other parts of yourself. Take a break and do something fun. You will find you have more energy when you return to the job.

Step Five

Be realistic. Only do what you can do. If you are taking work home every day, you are doing too much. Work is only part of your life. Make time for the other parts. Take control of your life. You need a healthy balance between work and home life.

Step Six

Talk to other people. Communicate with co-workers and other people in your life. Talking releases stress; sometimes other people can offer solutions you didn't think of yourself.

Step Seven

Deal with workplace bullies and negative co-workers. You don't want the actions of others to add unnecessary stress to your own life.

Tips & Warnings

  • Stress can seriously harm your health.

What is workplace stress?

Stress—the responses our bodies and minds have to the demands placed on them—is a normal part of life and a normal part of any job. Without stress, we wouldn’t meet deadlines, strive to hit sales or production targets, or line up new clients. Meeting the demands and challenges of a job is part of what makes work interesting and satisfying, and it’s often what allows people to develop new skills and advance in their careers. In the workplace, we regularly experience stress-causing situations, react to them with heightened tension, then return to a more relaxed state when the crisis, big or small, is resolved. However, problems occur when stress is so overwhelming or constant that the tension never abates and we never get to relax.

What we think of as “job stress” is what happens when:

  • The challenges and demands of work become excessive.
  • The pressures of the workplace surpass workers’ abilities to handle them.
  • Satisfaction becomes frustration and exhaustion.

When stress crosses the line from normal to excessive, it can trigger physical and emotional responses that are harmful to employees and businesses alike. And unfortunately, for many people “stress” has become synonymous with “work.”

What causes stress in the workplace?

Some jobs are stressful by definition because they’re physically dangerous (such as firefighting or criminal justice), involve matters of life and death (emergency functions), or are psychologically demanding (social work, teaching). But people who stamp metal or crunch numbers can also be subject to stress on the job.

Workplace stress is usually the result of high demands on the job, real or perceived lack of control concerning those demands, poor day-to-day organization and communication, and an unsupportive work environment.

The following chart lays out many of the factors that lead to job stress:



>> Thursday, December 13, 2007

currently aku belajar buat blogdrive ngan dak yan....

aku tgh kuatkan anne yg memang da kuat...dulu pon aku penah lemah...timer kasih kengkawan....

yan de guru

pastu ade 1 rahasia...

tp petang...aku amek sebiji telur masin dari ibu mengandung...

then, aku ingat ari ni ma luvly nak aku masak lg cam dia kata xnak, kami makan kopok n buah2an jerk la...aku jenjeling jerk la kat telur depan keyboard aku neh...adesss....

gulppp...buah da abehh....

aku nak buah...huhu....xleh raser nyer peti tanpa buah....

tgh tengok ANTM nehhh......

nnt ahh sambung.....


>> Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

heheheheh...cantek x???

lepas scan....warner dia da x menarik da...huhuhuuhuh

ade cerita di sebalik gambo neh...malam kang la citer...huhuhuuh

adesss..terpost 2 kali laks comment tuh....

wat gambo yang di lukis oleh ma luvly.....

yang menariknya tentang pokok tuh...

ayang: sayang....apsal pokok tuh bintik2??? kene demam bintik ker dia?? (mana la tau demam campak ker kan...)
sayang: errr...tu pokok epal...ayang kan suker makan, sayang tanam pokok epal sebelah rumah kita....

aku: hikkkksssss...romentik la you ni....ayg pukul kang baru tau....(gedik santai)

ayang: sayang..kenapa buku letak situ??
sayang: mana??
ayang: warna biru tuh...
sayang: tu pintu pagar la yang...
ayang: adessss...apsal warna biru???
sayang: xkira la...sayang suker jerk...
ayang: huk alohhh....***toingggg~~~betul gak....bukan tulisan aku pon...lantakla dia nak tulis aper pon....hrmmmm

mmm.....kan damai kalu rumah kiter tuh...siap berada bulan lagi kot...sebab xnampak warna tanah pulokss....ahahaha...maap yang...hiksss...ayang kan sllu usik sayang.....jgn marah...nnt kene!! :P


>> Monday, December 10, 2007


geram tul...xleh upload pic la pulokss....

nak memorikan weekend nyer xtvt ari tuh nehhh



try memalui photobucket la...aihh...nak gak letak kan...mencapat tol... tau ker mencapap???

kene tanya dak uitm dungun batch aku...eehehhehe...ko g la check dak yan...malas aku....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket sodap luvly masak...yang...apsal roti ni cam kecut perut???hahaha...musti nampak mulut ayg nak makan dia..sbb tuh dia kecut kan....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

eh..kek batik lagi...seb bek la ma luvly ni suker makan aper yg aku pandai masak kan...untung badan..tetiap minggu pon buleh la sayang la oii...heheheh...po u i will...muakkhhssss ...oleh kerana dia suker taburkan coklet tuhhhh

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

makan si dia tapau old town nyer gak....limbut....

syg...biler mau bawak ayang skali???

huhuhu sedeh tol......

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

lepas balik pc fair..rancang nak p kenny, aku xde mood sebab2 hal yg mnyedehkan...aku makan kat b.k jerk la...huhuh...bad day....xde selera nak makan gak...hiksss....dasar kuat makan...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
berdasarkan gambar2 yg aku amek..ternyata bahawa....ade kaitan la fasfud ade kaitan ngan kegemukan....huhu..i cant desease
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
main masak2 tgu si dia balik kojer,,ntah paper jerk.....
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
kegemaran ku....heheheh, sambal tempoyak tp ari tuh aku buat simple jerk sbb kemalasan...xgoreng dulu pon bilis tuh....

siler2 makan yer....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket pic....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket



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