setelah di tag oleh cik dian

>> Thursday, February 19, 2009

1. Your name or username

2. Left handed or Right handed

-right handed-
3. Favourite letter to write


4.Least favourite letter to write?

-ntah ler-

5. Do you think you are HOT?

-hot gak kalu p kije tgh2 panas terik cam tengahari td-kekekeke

xla 'hot' nye saya ni....comot jak

6. Upload your favourite pic

7. Why do you like diz pic?

-ikan2 ni kawan aku masa kat cameron, tetiap hari aku amik gambo depa tp xpenah dpt nice shot...geram!

8. The last song you listen to?

-lagu china la...ndak tahu tajuk nya ape.....

9. What are you doing right now besides this?

-makan, nguap, buat kije-

10. 6 people I’m going to tag

-yan, eid, is, nexus, ann-->> sapo lagi ni....tatau la sape yg sllu dtg blog ai...(blog xglemer cam ni ler)

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