>> Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Nak share tentang kalu mau p interview...
erkk...aku ri ni xg pon interview...mmbr da tolong tp cam xde mood nak tukar kijer la...xper...pada kawan2 yg byk membantu...tq....appreciate it....meh nak share neh...10 tips...nak bahasa melayu ke english erk...ai translate la...

1. Practice Good Nonverbal Communication (xpandai la nak translate ke bahasa melayu la)
Demonstrating confidence:
standing straight
make eye contact
connecting with a good, firm handshake (perlu ke neh???try ar nanti)
(1st impression can be a great beginning or quick ending to your interview)

2. Dress for the job or company
Today's casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress "they" do when you interview. It is important to look professional & well groomed (haaa...grooming tuh penting) Tapi kene la ikut or depends on the company culture & position yang kita mintak. I possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.

3. Listen
From the very beginning of the interview, you interviewer is giving you information, xkesah la directly or indirectly. kalu xdengar, means that you are missing your opportunity. Hahahaa, be careful k...Good communication skills termasuk listening & letting the person know you heard what he said... Jangan la berangan plaks kan...pastu blurr....abeh la...merogikan boras jark... Observe your interviewer & and match that style & pace.

4. Don't talk too much (tapi jgn la jawab sepatah jerk.....kan.)
Gtau interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. jgn la bercakap mende2 yg nonsense kalu gapra pon...kang tersalah cakap yg membayangkan awak ni pemalas sebenarnya. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position's requirements & relating only that information. Pendek kata, bercakap la psal keje yg kita mintak jerk...

5. Don't be too familiar
Interview= professional meeting to talk business. It is not about making a new friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor. It is important to bring tenaga & enthusiasm to the interview & to ask questions, but do not overstep your as a candidate looking for a job.

6. Use appropriate language
Patutnya gune la professional language masa interview... choice of words mmg sgt penting sebab kat situ la org leh nampak kelebihan atau kelemahan anda...ewwaahhh, any inappropriate slang words or references to umor, bangsa, agama, politics or sexual orientation (senget ker awak neh??haaa....kang xpasal2 kene pang)kang xpasal2 cepat kan process interview, suruh anda balik n jgn datang lagik...

7. Dont be cocky!!
With regards to attitute...fine balance between confidence, professionalism & modesty. Overconfidence is bad, of not worse, as being too reserved...hermmmmmm

8. Take care to answer the question
Biler interview asks for an example of a time when you did sumthing, sebenarnya dia nak tau our past behavior... If you failed to relate a specific example, you not only dont answer the question, bahkan hilang la peluang nak tunjuk kan kita punya ability & talk about ur skills

9. Ask Question
Kan masa last nak balik tuh, interviewer neh musti tanya, any question??? jgn la plaks cakap xde..at least tanya la sikit2..tp jgn ty soklan budoh plakss...(da gugup...kekadang terkeluar gak soklan bod neh) memang penting ty soklan...ni nak uji samada kita berminat pasal company tu ker, atau sebab lain...betul ker kita nak kijer tempat tuh...kene la jugak memilih...kalu xtau nak jawap aper....masa interview td kan dia ade ty macam2 soklan...buat2 la ty balik soklan tuh lebeh details...

10. plz dont appear desperate
when you interview with the "plz, plz hire me" approach, you appear desperate & less confident. Maintain 3'C masa interview....COOL, CALM & CONFIDENT..tp aku penah calm gegiler sampai blank..ahahaha..org ty nama menteri yg aku da apal pon aku leh luper...ntah naper ntah....jelek rasernyer ketika itteww..


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