lalallaala~~2nd entry

>> Thursday, April 2, 2009

Masa aku siap tulis entry pasal bahse omputih dapat email ni dari kawan ai....xbermaksud nak kenekan org....just nak share ngan u guys....kalu uols rase xpatut...jgn la bacer...

sebab aku post kat sini: permulaan cerita yg amat menarik..but yg kat bawah2 xnak terlibat..mak tutp mulut..... (aku mmg tatau cerita sebenar, choose to zip my mouth..oooppsss)

Made in Malaysia

Posted by admin

Wednesday, 01 April 2009 15:04

What do foreign investors face when they come to Malaysia? How do they
Overcome the government bureaucracy and the many rules imposed on foreign
Investors? Imagine this typical scene in a government department when a
Movie producer tries to get approval to shoot a documentary in Malaysia.


Raja Petra Kamarudin
Excuse me, but I'm wondering if you could help me.

Tengok itu. (The officer points to a sign on the wall that says: GUNAKAN

I'm sorry. I don't understand.

Mesti guna Bahasa Malaysia.

I'm sorry, but I'm an American. I don't understand the local language.

Must use Bahasa Malaysia. Not American language. I cannot speak American.

But we don't have an American language. We speak English.

Oh. Why don't you get your Bumiputera partner to come if you cannot speak
Bahasa Malaysia?

I don't have a Bumiputera partner.

How can? All foreign companies that do business in Malaysia must have
Bumiputera partner.

But we are not doing business in Malaysia. We do business in America. I am
Here to find out how to get a permit to shoot a documentary in Malaysia.
We are a movie company.

Oh. You want to make a movie in Malaysia. Very good. Malaysia has plenty
Of history and culture. Good place to make a movie. You must show the
Twin Towers and the Penang Bridge and the Iskandar Development Region in
Your movie.

No, it is not that kind of documentary. We are making a documentary about
The murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Aiyah! Cannot mention that name. That name banned.


Yes. Government ban anyone mentioning the name Altantuya.

Oh. Then how do we address that?

I don't know her address. Maybe you ask the Mongolian Embassy.

No, I don't mean her address. How do we solve the problem of her name?

Altantuya Shaariibuu can't be used. But you can use Aminah Abdullah. That
Name not banned by government.

Okay then. I want to make a documentary about the brutal murder of Aminah

That one okay. Government can approve. But you must also show the Twin
Towers and the Penang Bridge and the Iskandar Development Region in your

But those have nothing to do with the documentary. The documentary is
About the murder of Altan.....

Ah, ah, ah....

Sorry, I mean Aminah Abdullah.

Why you can't also show the Twin Towers and the Penang Bridge and the
Iskandar Development Region in your movie?

Okay, maybe I can show some clips of the Twin Towers and the Penang Bridge
And the Iskandar Development Region in the documentary.

Good. But must show the Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur okay? Cannot show in
Melaka like that Sean Connery movie, Entrapment. Our PM was very angry.
He said the foreigners distort the truth.

Okay. The Twin Towers will be shown in KL.

And also the Penang Bridge and the Iskandar Development Region.

Okay, I will also show the Penang Bridge and the Iskandar Development
Region in KL.

No, the Penang Bridge is in Penang and the Iskandar Development Region is
In Johor.

Okay, I will take note of that.

And what about the songs?


Yes, must show some local songs.

But this is a documentary about the murder of Al.......

Ah, ah, ah.

......Aminah Abdullah.

But can still show some local songs even if the story is about a murder.
You must show Siti Nurhaliza singing. At least two songs.

Okay, we shall show City what's her name....

Siti Nurhaliza.

......City Nurlaziha singing......


Nurhaliza singing two songs.

Good, good. And what about Umno history?

Umno history?

Yes, must show Umno history and how Umno fought for Merdeka from the

But what's that got to do with the murder?

You must show Umno history and how Umno fought for Merdeka. If not
Government can't approve.

Okay, I shall show the Umno history and how Umno fought for....fought for....


....Merdeka from the British.

Good. And don't forget to also include the new PM's speech.

New PM's speech?

Yes, Najib Tun Razak.

What has his speech got to do with the movie?

Must show. Must show new PM declare he never met that Mongolian woman.

You mean Aminah Abdullah?

No, PM just said he never met that Mongolian woman. He never mention any
Name. Must show that speech in the movie.

Okay, we will show that as well. Do I take it if I agree to all those
Terms I can get permission from the Malaysian government to shoot the
documentary in Malaysia?

You got Bumiputera partner?


Must have Bumiputera partner. See list here. You must choose one
Bumiputera partner from this list.

Okay, I will choose a Bumiputera partner from this list.

And must give 70% contract to local Bumiputera companies.

I don't understand. What contracts?

70% of your work must be done by Bumiputera companies.

But we don't need local participation. We shall be bringing our entire
crew from the States.

But make sure not from Pakatan states. That one government can't approve.

Pakatan states?

Yes. Penang, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan.

No, I mean our entire crew will be brought in from the United States of

Cannot. Must have 70% local. Only 30% from America.

Okay, I will try to squeeze that requirement in.

And which state you want Datuk?
Excuse me. I don't get that.

You make movie about Malaysia you can get Datuk. Which state you want? Can

Oh, I don't think I'm interested in Datuk, whatever that is.

Aiyah, people pay RM250,000 for Datuk. Why you don't want? You make movie
on Malaysia can get Datuk free. No need pay RM250,000.

Okay, throw in the Datuk for free then.

Okay, we will arrange Melaka Datuk for you. Where you shoot the movie?

In Selangor.

Aiyah, Selangor cannot. That is Pakatan state. Choose another state.

But the murder happened in Selangor so we need to shoot the documentary
where the murder happened.

Selangor cannot. If Pakatan state, government cannot approve. You shoot in
Melaka. Melaka very historical.

Okay, okay, we'll go along with what you want. Is there anything else I
need to know?

When you launch movie the First Lady must be invited.

The Queen?

No, not Queen. Rosmah Mansor.

Will she come to the premier?

Of course. If Shahrukh Khan go, she will go.

But Shahrukh Khan is not in the documentary.

Why not? He is very popular in Malaysia and First Lady like him. He also
got Melaka Datuk like you. Must show him in movie.

Look, can I come back to you on that? We shall have to decide whether we
still want to shoot this documentary in Malaysia.

No problem. When you already decide you come again to see me. We welcome
all movie companies to Malaysia and will extend our cooperation and help
you. Foreigners always welcome in Malaysia.

Comments (9)

written by tehtarik, April 01, 2009 15:13:44

dear RPK,
is this an april fool's joke?

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written by DreamLady, April 01, 2009 15:15:12

Once again, you make me laugh too loud and too much with this incredible

Cheers!!! Raja Petra, you belong to the rare species of the human
race!!!You are just incredibly humorous!!

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written by AO Musa, April 01, 2009 15:17:38

this is awesome! Despite its a joke but its truly about Malaysian

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written by DatoSeri, April 01, 2009 15:20:48

This is the image not only in the hearts of foreigners, but edged deep in
Malaysians, too... you "story" (or fact) here is one great proof. Ha ha

Thanks RPK!

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written by malaysianohope, April 01, 2009 15:28:41

Abang your are totally, utterly hilarious but with a catch that its a
reflection of the reality of the types of hurdles facing Foreign
Investors. GOTCHA! It's April Fool Day but for real!!!

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written by Tornado, April 01, 2009 15:28:44

Kah kah kah kah kah kah kah kah......
This story can cheer up Rosmah if Agong not keen to choose her husband
become PM.....

Kah kah kah kah kah kah kah..................

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written by ilovepakatan, April 01, 2009 15:28:50


You can be a movie producer or a script writer. I wanna act in your movie.

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written by Oscar Winner, April 01, 2009 15:29:44

It's parody of reality. Those who consider this a joke are naive and not
in touch with reality. If this isn't reality, what kind of change are we
fighting for?? It's typical movie from UMNOwood production mill everyday.
Similar productions must be stopped. Come next GE, UMNOwood must be

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written by Kaboda, April 01, 2009 15:30:15

LOL you got one warped mind RPK.
Anyhow I guess that business model can be applied to all foreigners who
wish to do business in Malaysia.

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