Obses kah diri ku dengan 'masa'

>> Monday, August 27, 2007

Kenapa aku sakit kepala neh??

ntah la, sejak akhir2 ni asyik sakit kepala jerk....
terlalu pikirkan pasal kijer ker??xjugak....
pikir pasal cinta??? ooo tidak.....

yang penting mmg raser berdengung di telinga neh....
adeh adeh dan adeh....

aku raser pasal kijer la....
teruk sgt ker aku kijer,
but i manage ma work already maa....
do listing and done it one by one mengikut keutamaan.....
then??? people give me last minute work??
owh...i should be flexible.....
should i???
dont know.....maybe, i'm too manage ma time,
then can't take last minute thing......

people ask me...
I saw u so free huh....
but ma boss never ask me that....
maybe he knows that he gave me work but i managed
to do it....ma 1st question is...
due date??? (it is about time, time management ka??;yup)
ma secret??
i done it at home....
kikikik....not too smart??
but , at least im not so stress to do it at work place.....
maybe about the environment....ohho.....
yup, thats the thing.....
i cant be here more than 8hours, damn shit....
uhhhh......jgn ngarut lagik la........
p buat kijer....shhhhhyyhhhhhh

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