Wat will happen...

>> Sunday, December 14, 2008

Waduhh...lame rasanyer x menjenguk dan mengupdate blog. Bz noks! Smenjak piki outstesen (chewahh), mmg blh dikatakan sebahagian dr masa aku kat hotel. Umah tu juz tempat nak tido jer...wahhh... Bucan !

Since last 2 weeks, waktu briefing, my managers asyik stresskan pasal global recession. Briefing yg sepatutnye bermotifkan tuk menyampaikan info about hotel's situation, tiba2 aku rs mcm bertukar jadik Global Economic Review plaks. Some of my staff seems not bother 'bout this, some of them might not understand of what exactly happened.

Bila kali pertama manager aku ckp psl ni, aku pun bt acuh tak acuh je. The next day, they came up with the slide show. At that moment, baru aku sedar betapa seriusnye keadaan ekonomi dunia skunk.

US dah declare diorg tgh ade krisis ekonomi skunk. Wat will happen, if US down, world economic pun akan jatuh. Kadar inflasi tinggi, harga barang naik, most of the US citizens now are going to be jobless !

Next year, expected for those who involve in tourism and hospitality industry mcm aku ngn piki, kitorang akan terkena tempias akibat global recession nih. Why ? Coz, the majority yg visit Malaysia adalah from US and Europes.

Now... since that they'll having a very serious economy problem, so, most of them will think twice to travel or they may not travel at all ! If that things happen, mmg kebanyakan hotel akan sunyi sepi la. Bukan hotel industry je, kilang2 pun lagila galak membuang pekerja mcm krisis ekonomi yang pernah melanda negara dulu. Uisshhhhh...! Mintak dijauhkan la...

Aku ? Ntahla...cuti tanpa gaji la kot...harap2 xdela sampai camtuh.. mak aku da mula risau. X henti2 mak pujuk keje ngan government. Alasanya...banyak benefits, sng dpt loan, x kena buang keje, ade elaun...mcm2 lagi la pujuk mak aku tuh... time kasih bnyk2 mak. sy tahu mak risau kat anak mak ni, tp x minat keje goverment. Maaf mak !

Skang ni mmg aku tgh berjimat, blanja ape yg perlu jer. Makan pun kat hotel, x mkn kat luar dah. Nak masak malas (eh...mcm reti masak jer...)

Yang pastinya, I'm a bit worry of what will happen. Hopefully aku ngan piki and all of us will be prepare of what's coming in the future. Let us pray for a better one....

Adios for now !

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