nak abis dah training....

>> Thursday, December 18, 2008


ai dah abis dah training kat ch neh...

susulan a lot of complains towards my roomet, akhirnya aku balik juge...

ver say: y u want to go early? stay la dont like us?
me say: i dont like my roomet, thats it
ver say: owhh..move to my unit lor...
me say: i wish i could
ver say: u req laa...
me: sms my boss say that i'm willing to stay until cny...
my boss: it's ok sue, aida will replace you...and u r scheduled to bek to opis...coz i would like to rotate all my staff for cross training..
me: thanks

now, feel sad because i will leave my frends here...

especially f/o staff, trainee, housekeeping & spa staff...they are so nice to me not like my roomets....ceeittt...

so, short notice deliverd....that i have to leave this resort in 2 weeks...

i sukak sbb leh dok dekat ngan yg tersayang & cuti dah macam biase..hukhukss

tapi yg menakutkan adalah...

klau dah superior aku col & sllu suruh aku balik..musti dia nak ragging aku..yer la, for now dia xda sape yg nak d ragging kan..hukhukkss..


2 KoMeNs...:

Anonymous December 18, 2008 at 9:29 PM  

wah... lagi 2 minggu nak balik kl eh??? wah... kembang kempis laa idung haza nnti.. hiks!!!

.....picky..... December 19, 2008 at 12:41 PM  


tu la....

jadi ke kakak kakek ni nak dtg sini neh???


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