
>> Wednesday, November 26, 2008

busan nye dok kat sini....

xde wat per...balik KL nnt musti rase cam byk mende nak buat...BTW...ape aku dah wat kat sini eh??

1st 2 days...aku sempat kurus sbb cam xmo makan kan...lepas dak jipun tuh ajak aku melepak ngan dak2 training yg lai....aku nye perut selalu berbunyik kreok kok kek setiap pagi n malam...huhu

adakah aku akan gumuks??
mak nak p gym la cam malas ni la peluang aku bagi muscle badan ku inin...ewwaahhh....

mmm...enjoy dok kat sini..too leisure n sumtimes feel so boring....
it is not nothing to do...but mebi i missing sumone here..
kalu dulu dok kat dia balik lambat pon, aku selalu col..dlm setengah jam tuh ade la 3-4 kali aku col dia suruh balik...(si dia kije mmg la x ingat rumah dulu) tp slowly aku dah suruh dia belajar balik awal..yeay!

owh yer...

cam biase, klu p training aku selalu recap ape yg aku dah buat time training kan?

so, nak list down la...

Bellman/Security inform arrival - how many person
prepare hot face towel & tea for guest
ask guest to fill up the reg. card
ask the credit card for misc. charge (verification only)-if package ( rm300/room/nite) but FIT or agent w/out pckg take (RM 500/room/nite)
meet guest again, show all the facilities in the resort-usher guest to the room
start with-Jim Thompson Tea Lounge - Lunch(12nn-3pm), Hi-Tea RM55++(3pm - 6pm), Bar open till 12mn.
JT gift shop - 10am - 8pm tapi staff always missing-so teruk!
Show the way to the SPA area (9am - 9pm) and gym(24hours)-gym before the spa.....
Reading room or library with 24hrs wireless internet
Dining room for breakfast(7am-10.30am) n dinner(7pm-11pm), last call at 10.30pm
Level one have a living hall with 2pc for internet-24hrs free
pastuh anto guest p bilik..

aku suke bawak guest p rooming..sebab leh jalan2 n talk to guest...
xda la burink sgt dok reception
1st day aku dah buat..lepas dorg gtau aku operation hour setiap outlet...Outlet aku dah tau sebab dah familiar waktu p fam trip dulu tuuu...

Kije pagi (aiyakkkk..aku nye note atas kertas dah ilang..tu la akibatnya tulis atas kertas lagi...huhuh)
Check tel line
check flag msg
check arrival details
check departure details
print supporting
make welcome letter-chinese name is the other way from the system-GM to sign
departure letter & envelope for departure letter only, if more than 1 room also just print 1 letter-FOM to sign
check out guest..hehehehe

Kije petang
Check in guest and wat rooming
Check arrival details again
print reg. card
make another copy and attach the supporting to the reg. card
wat key folder
check billing-pkg or pax-put separate
wat occupancy for tomorrow

boleh laa....
cume nak check out guest aku baru berpeluang buat sekali jerk sbb aku hegeh sgt kot.....takut la main ngan duit org ni...
next week aku kije morning n middle shift...
so, leh prektis lagi ni....
Mihoooo....teach me
Dindooo.....punch you!
Ver....faster...bus is moving now!
Ryan....Dont be angry ahhh..later, all run away...aiyaakkk
Fion....hmmm...good teacher & can be mother never end
Mr. Ben! I want to follow you go down to KL....waitt
Maverick, thanks ahh...dont be sad
Iz..dont noty2-be a good guy ahh
Dewa...nice guy kaa??
Christy & June! wait...we go together!
Praja & ashok...y you guys so nice!
mmm...who alse!
uncle! wait
uncle steven! which one to press?? sooo nice song every evening
Tan...dont talk alone
Kori....give me sum info plzz
Rika..i dont like you!
Shanti...u r so nicee!

SAYANG..... I miss you! Love you.....

0 KoMeNs...:


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