
>> Wednesday, November 26, 2008

busan nye dok kat sini....

xde wat per...balik KL nnt musti rase cam byk mende nak buat...BTW...ape aku dah wat kat sini eh??

1st 2 days...aku sempat kurus sbb cam xmo makan kan...lepas dak jipun tuh ajak aku melepak ngan dak2 training yg lai....aku nye perut selalu berbunyik kreok kok kek setiap pagi n malam...huhu

adakah aku akan gumuks??
mak nak p gym la cam malas ni la peluang aku bagi muscle badan ku inin...ewwaahhh....

mmm...enjoy dok kat sini..too leisure n sumtimes feel so boring....
it is not nothing to do...but mebi i missing sumone here..
kalu dulu dok kat dia balik lambat pon, aku selalu col..dlm setengah jam tuh ade la 3-4 kali aku col dia suruh balik...(si dia kije mmg la x ingat rumah dulu) tp slowly aku dah suruh dia belajar balik awal..yeay!

owh yer...

cam biase, klu p training aku selalu recap ape yg aku dah buat time training kan?

so, nak list down la...

Bellman/Security inform arrival - how many person
prepare hot face towel & tea for guest
ask guest to fill up the reg. card
ask the credit card for misc. charge (verification only)-if package ( rm300/room/nite) but FIT or agent w/out pckg take (RM 500/room/nite)
meet guest again, show all the facilities in the resort-usher guest to the room
start with-Jim Thompson Tea Lounge - Lunch(12nn-3pm), Hi-Tea RM55++(3pm - 6pm), Bar open till 12mn.
JT gift shop - 10am - 8pm tapi staff always missing-so teruk!
Show the way to the SPA area (9am - 9pm) and gym(24hours)-gym before the spa.....
Reading room or library with 24hrs wireless internet
Dining room for breakfast(7am-10.30am) n dinner(7pm-11pm), last call at 10.30pm
Level one have a living hall with 2pc for internet-24hrs free
pastuh anto guest p bilik..

aku suke bawak guest p rooming..sebab leh jalan2 n talk to guest...
xda la burink sgt dok reception
1st day aku dah buat..lepas dorg gtau aku operation hour setiap outlet...Outlet aku dah tau sebab dah familiar waktu p fam trip dulu tuuu...

Kije pagi (aiyakkkk..aku nye note atas kertas dah ilang..tu la akibatnya tulis atas kertas lagi...huhuh)
Check tel line
check flag msg
check arrival details
check departure details
print supporting
make welcome letter-chinese name is the other way from the system-GM to sign
departure letter & envelope for departure letter only, if more than 1 room also just print 1 letter-FOM to sign
check out guest..hehehehe

Kije petang
Check in guest and wat rooming
Check arrival details again
print reg. card
make another copy and attach the supporting to the reg. card
wat key folder
check billing-pkg or pax-put separate
wat occupancy for tomorrow

boleh laa....
cume nak check out guest aku baru berpeluang buat sekali jerk sbb aku hegeh sgt kot.....takut la main ngan duit org ni...
next week aku kije morning n middle shift...
so, leh prektis lagi ni....
Mihoooo....teach me
Dindooo.....punch you!
Ver....faster...bus is moving now!
Ryan....Dont be angry ahhh..later, all run away...aiyaakkk
Fion....hmmm...good teacher & can be mother never end
Mr. Ben! I want to follow you go down to KL....waitt
Maverick, thanks ahh...dont be sad
Iz..dont noty2-be a good guy ahh
Dewa...nice guy kaa??
Christy & June! wait...we go together!
Praja & ashok...y you guys so nice!
mmm...who alse!
uncle! wait
uncle steven! which one to press?? sooo nice song every evening
Tan...dont talk alone
Kori....give me sum info plzz
Rika..i dont like you!
Shanti...u r so nicee!

SAYANG..... I miss you! Love you.....


ni dia alternative way...syg ku....

>> Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1st alternative is to take the highway from KL and EXIT at Tapah toll. From the turn left at the traffic lights located just after the toll
gate and continue straight. You will pass certain areas along the way namely Lata Iskandar(Waterfall), Ringlet Town, Habu and then Tanah Rata. This
is all straight without any turn off. After Tanah Rata Town about 3 km you
will pass the smokehouse on your right hand side and Casa de la Rosa
Hotel to your left. The golf course will then appear on your left hand
side. The Resort is located on the left hand side opposite the golf
course but before the golf clubhouse.If you will reach Brinchang Town which means
you have passed the resort.

2nd alternative is to take the highway from KL and continue on until
the Simpang Pulai Toll. After the toll you turn right at the traffic lights.
You continue on until another traffic lights where you can take another right
turn. Please note there is adequate signage to guide you. Once on this
road you continue on until you reach the Blue Valley area where the road
widens. There is a turn to your right which you must take. There is
signage but you will have to look out for it. Going straight will lead
you to Gua Musang. After this right turn go straight and the road will
start to descend and you will reach Kampung Raja Town. Follow the road
to the left upon entering the town and continue straight. You will pass
Tringkap Town, Equatorial Hotel and Brinchang Town. The resort will be located
about 1km after Brinchang Town on your right hand side just after the > Golf

The 1st option will take about 3 – 31/2 Hours and the second option
because it is more to the north will take 4 – 41/2 Hours. The road for
the second option however is not as winding as the first.



>> Monday, November 24, 2008

Uncle Stephen dok petik piano lagu celine dion n kenny g..tapi ntah kenape lagu ni plaks yg bermain2 kat kapla otak aku.....

"Miss You Like Crazy"

I used to call you my girl
I used to call you my friend
I used to call you the love
The love that I never had
When I think of you
I don't know what to do
When will I see you again

I miss you like crazy
Even More than words can say
I miss you like crazy
Every minute of every day
Girl I'm so down when your love's not around
I miss you, miss you, miss you
I miss you like crazy
You are all that I want
You are all that I need
Can't you see how I feel
Can't you see that my pain's so real
When I think of you
I don't know what to do
When will I see you again


bertemankan uncle stephen yg tgh main piano kat lobby..huhuhu..syahduuu


smlm aku balik kl....setelah seminggu bertapa kat cameron yg membosankan ni...sebenar...akan jadi bosan even kat kl pon kalu partner kite not around kan...

aku gigih kan juge balik kul 10.30am and sampai kat pudu kul 3.30pm, naik lrt...sampai umah kul 4pm n terus mandi...

xlama kemudian...kawan2 dtg umahhh.... yeay!


yer la...kalu dorg x dtg..mau nanis aku tgu partner ku pulang dr kije kat kul 8pm..hukhukkss...

kul 9.30pm, dorg dah berangkat pulang.....tgllah aku ngan partner dok diskusi pasal cuti kami, yer la...
kalu buleh nak jupe setiap mgu...tapi apa kan daya..kalu dia dtg..aku kije pon...buat aku x tenang nak wat kije..hukhukk...
kalu aku balik sane plaks...dia pon kije....apa citer..nanis la aku sorg kat dlm bilik usang kat umah tuh...

smlm sempat lagi tgk citer exchanted-erk...betul ke yang..ejaan nye tuh??ayang ingat2 luper dah..lantak la...

pagi2 kami bgn lagi sembang sebelum si dia p syahdu..kalu dulu...dia nak p kije..walaupon bunyi hair dryer tuh cam taufan...aku senyum jerk tido...
ni....sebab rindu masih belum cukup di ubati...aku, bgn n sembang2 ngan dia...anta dia sampai pint...sungguh syahdu time dia tgl aku kat ruang tamu tuh..sepiiii

waaarrgghhhh.....kul 7.0am..aku malas nak bangun...malasss

tapi bile aku pikir kan semula nnt ape bos aku akan kate, rase macam x professional plaks...gigih bangun...

sambil pk2, pasal cuti....aku nak dok ngan partner ku....tolong la....

then, aku col superior aku tuh...dia ajak aku balik..kate nye bz sgt...siap dorg gaduh2 lagi...ewaaahh...dia tanya aku ngan sedeh nya...betul ke sue..sumer org xsuker ai??? u pon x suker ai ke sue...
aku nak berterus terang..kang nanis plaks bini org ni...aku pon cakap la...

ai kalu x sound jerk kan sllu gtau you..mane yg betul mane yg x patut you buat...

dia diam...

dia cakap..kalu betul aku nak balik....dia nak btau bos esok...hmmmm..

aku sebenarnya suker kije kat sini...juz aku xsuker dok sini...harap uols paham...
aku nak dekat ngan partner n kawan2....

ermm...setiap kali aku col opis ku, dorg sumer cakap rindu aku and suruh aku balik opis cepat2...betul ker??
yer la...kalu aku lain la puloks kene wat kije aku kan..RASAKAN!!!!!

k la....

nak kuar dah..mgu ni ai kije ptg..leh update blog..yeay!


(teruk kan aku, org anto training tuh untuk kebaikan....aku aku xleh terima sebab sayangku xde di sini)..



Warkah Buat Yang Tersayang


Terima kasih sgt2!! Sanggup susah payah turun KL semata2 nak jupe syg...huhuhu.. terharu biru syg !!!! waaaaaa....windu !!

W'pun sekejap sgt (x smpi pun 8 jam, tolak waktu tido 5 jam = 3 jam je), at least terubat jgk rindu syg nih. Maafkan syg ye sbb balik lmbt smlm, then pagi2 bute da kena g keje. Terkilan sikit syg psl tuh... Nsb bek ade kwn2 sudi temankn dan hiburkan ayg sementara menanti kepulangan syg. Thanks my dear frenz...u guys the best !

Klu xde aral melintang, syg g visit2 ayg this Saturday or Sunday k..Doakan syg selamat smpi kat sane k.. Amin...

Oklah, akhir kate...jg diri, hiasi peribadi...hehehe...jgn nakal2...

p/s : Can't wait to c u... ILOVEU!!!!!



What to do....?

>> Thursday, November 20, 2008

"I kissed a girl...i like it "....ntah nape lirik lagu Kate Perry tu asyik beralun di kepala ku ni...

Today i'm off duty. Good things about off on weekdays :

1. Blh g bank, byr bil, byr utang, byr nafkah.. (motif??)

2. Shopping waktu org len complex tu ana yg punyer... siap men sorok2 ngn piki lagi...huhuhu

3. Wat else? Haaaa...cinema ! Yes ! Dulu aku slalu dpt off slasa or rabu. So, ticket wayang pun murah time tu... "Jom cinema yang" ajak aku...cik piki pun lyn je la... Panggung tu ana yg punyer..satu ticket leh dpt bnyk seats (hehehe..makne nyer free seats la...lantakla ko nak duk mane) Wahhhh....sonok !

4. Men bowling ! Lantakla bola masuk longkang ke, terjatuh sbb nak wat aksi pro ke, salah lane ke, bak kata kak shoe, "mak x kisah" !! (ade ke kak shoe kt camtu??? xpela, mcm sesuai jer...hehehe)

I'm used to it...dah 3 tahun aku keje hotel ni...jarang sgt dpt off on weekend. Dulu aku x kisah, tp sebab skang cik piki punyer schedule off sabtu n ahad, aku pun nak off weekend. Asyik request bak off weekend jer..Klu dpt alhamdulilah, klu x, nak wat camne... dat's my job rules !

Tadi, aku baru je abis kemas umah... Plan nak clear kan store, tp hampeh tul...pintu store terkunci plak. Da la kunci ilang..adehhhh...terbantut trus kerajinan. So, aku just kemas bilik n ruang tamu je la..

Pas kemas umah ni aku x tau da nak wat pe. Nak shopping x selera, nak mkn the end of the day, membungkam di katil la...tgk tv smpi mata lebam. But, it's a good thing coz pas off ni mmg aku bz rehatla sepuas2 nyer!

So..what to do haza? That's it for today...nothing much...dat's all !



>> Tuesday, November 18, 2008

updated by: haza (on behalf of picki yg ketandusan IT di Cameron) feeling so empty !!!

pagi tadi, tepat jam 0900 hrs, berangkatlah cik piki ke cameron...3 bulan bagaikan 3 tahun aku rasakan... sengsara woiii!! x pernah kami berjauhan selama tuh...but, ape nak wat, nak x nak, terpaksa relakan pemergiannya demi masa depan....

baru sehari piki da pegi aku rasa kosong sgt...sunyi...sepi..tanpa gelak tawa, usikan, cubitan, bebelan....aduhhh...bagai mana sih? bak kata geng katak... (???).." bagaikan jiwa yg x bernyawa, kosong, tiada rentak dan irama..." kronik kah keadaan ku ini? tensiii....

"syg...jg diri bebaik ye, jgn slalu nanis, jgn balik keje lmbt, jgn bw balik org len ke umah (sempat lagi bersyak wasangka), mkn bnyk2, gemukkan bdn sikit..." antara pesanan suara piki sebelum ke cameron...

klu ikutkan hati ni, nak je stat enjin....vrooooommm...trus pecut ke, disebabkan komitmen aku ngan tempat keje, terpaksa la aku pendamkan dulu... "sbr haza..sbr" pujuk hatiku sendiri...

klu ikut schedule, only next month je la aku leh visit piki... so, at the mean time, aku harus busykan diri ini dgn harapan masa akan berjalan dgn sepantasnye...plsssss....

kpd kwn2, maseh di atas dorongan & nasihat yg diberikan kpd piki... really appreciate it !

dat's all for now...


elo elo....

>> Thursday, November 13, 2008

ewahhh dian......

ai pon baru tau yg partner i ade restoren sendrik kat putrajaya yer...hishhh...

mekasih la atas dorongan kalian sumer....ati yg sgt sedeh menjadi semakin baik....(mengalahkan nak p obersi kan)

yer x biase berjauhan ngan si dia..tu yg jadi mcm xkeruan tu...

tp petang dapat surat dr mama san...ingat kan resit gaji jak..upernye ade surat cinta yg aku tgu2..heehehe...genap 6bulan, aku dpt surat cinta dr HR....mekaseh2...terubat sikit kepala otak aku memikirkan ape yg akan berlaku lepas ni...

maklum la...
aku selalu dgr dlm kompani ni mcm2 leh jadi...
pasal transfer2 ni la...

samada ko akan cepat naik atau cepat keluar terus dr department tuh...aku ingat dorg anta aku p cameron sbb nak kick aku kuar dr department ni..alhamdulillah...setelah dpt surat cinta ni...aku cam lega sikit laa.....alhamdulillah...aku dah xnak pindah kije dah..penat p interview..pengalaman lama betul2 mengajarku erti xmo p interview lagi..berpanas kejo bas bawak segala resume yg ade..partner amik mc sbb nak temankan aku p interview..macam2 lg la...sampai terlalu serik, bos lama aku suruh join dia...aku siap gtau lg...aku xkan bg notice benti selagi aku xsign b&w dari kompeni dia...aku sign tp setelah aku di counter oper...aku kembali ke jwm....seb baik aku x wat byk hal mase dulu....

aku bersyukur ade kat sini....alhamdulillah...
cume next week aku kene p training 2 atau 3 bulan....
krem gak otak aku pk...nak2 plaks sebelum n mase bgun tido...mende ni la yg bermain2 kat otak aku..huhuhu

aku ade tanya aku nye bos td...
bos, kalu ai xtahan...can i come bek sebelum 2bulan?? **wat muke sedeh**

bos: i'm sure you will be ok there...if anything, juz contact me or manager directly....

adehhh....pastu dia kata aku xde atitut problem, xde ape yg nak drisau...huhuhuhu...saiko saiko...

demi karier aku dlm bidang ni..aku pegi jugak..lg pon aku yg termuda dlm opis, ini la peluang utk aku belajar mende2 yg org tua dah xnak buat..hukhuksss...mmg best, tp best lg kalu partner ade di sisi.huhuh

miss you & love you!



>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

aku akan away dr KL for sumtimes...

i'm gonna miss you each time sayang...


kembali seketika....


ai udah pulang dari ganu kite....

byk xtvt lasak telah berlaku....

cam biase..nak wat report kat sini duluan...supaya xlupe...senang nak refer....

aku bertolak ari khamis lepas kul 8am sharp....sampai resort kul 1230pm.....gong di ketuk sebagai tanda arrival, salam2 ngan staff2 kat sane...n ade air rozel sparkling sebagai welcome drink-so unik bekas minuman nye..lupe nak amik gambo....

kami di usher pegi ke bilik...alhamdulillahhh.....
kali ni...di upgrade lg ke serambi room...sama cam kat pangkor.....hehehe

pastu p lunch kat nelayan gak la....aku melepaskan kerinduan makan kopok gak kopok dia....lembutttt....

pastuh p tgk2 bilik lain...tipikal malay la kat resort ni....sejuk mate memandang and hotel pon sunyi...

abis tuh, aku pegi cycling..siap pegi ngan selipar lawa...seb baik xputus...xsempat nak tukar dah....jalan2 sampai kat kuala dungun nye jambatan....

malam, kami dinner kat fine dining dorg ngan FOM kat sane....sape yg x kesah minum atau makan mende haram-alkohol-sumer di belanje...aku? xla...juz enjoy my beef n teriyaki sauce..best2....

malam, tido sambil berdengkur sbb penat p berbasikal
-tapi sebenar nya aku kerap terjaga -mmg dah jd kebiasaan aku tido tempat baru musti sllu terjaga2...tatut kot...hihihi

pagi2 aku dah mandi sbb xleh tido tuh...

bekfes yg ala2 lunch...huhuhhu....
p chemerong waterfall...syiokkk...

siap wat fish spa kat situ FOC....
hhehhee...geli siut ikan2 tuh gigit lembut kaki aku..hakhakksss...

lepas mandi n main2 ngan ikan jinak kat situ...ujan turun dgn lebatnyaaa....seb baik aku sempat bungkus camera aku ngan plastik bekal....tgu2 xbenti ujan n kami pon decide bergerak.....air naik....

bile dah naik, ujan pon benti..kasut ai tercabut tapak..hukhuksss..malu nyehhh...terpakse pinjam kasut org lain...kami skip lunch sbb kenyang ngan bekalan dr pihak resort..hukhuksss

lepas balik dr chemerong...kami semua p SPA...traditional malay massage...agak best tp adik manis tuh urut kuar sgt sampai kalu biasenye aku ber spa..aku musti berdengkur...kat resort ganu ni...aku xterpikir pon nak tido...tahan sakit setiap mase...huihhh

malam, kami makan makanan yg ala2 cam kat muara ari plus la ngan dorg nyer food specialties cam butter prawn & chicken rozel...yummyyy...perfect dinner....

berdengkor lagiii....
next day....kami bekfes heavy nak pingsan....

kami pegi river cruise n melawat kampung org ganu kat marang...pemandangan yg cantekkk....dan membuat kan kami sumer itam legam time balik...hukhukksss...buah2an disedia...yaahuuuu....kami sempat singgah makan kopok lekor kat 008..besttttt...n beli jagung tepi jalan sambil tgk penyu dlm sangkar....

aku & itu budak cina sakan bergambo..hahhahaa
skip lg lunch..kami pegi jara hill walk....kejap jerk tp nyamuk yaaa ammpuunnnn....abis dorg2 ni kene gigit..mujur aku pegang serai wangi..hihih..nyamuk x attack sgt...

pastu...aku ngan casey p lagi kat kawasan pantai..bergambo n makan2 kat kampung life nye upacara setiap ari sabtu dorg buat.... tp, kejap jerk sbb ujan turun lg...huhuh...aku makan ngan byknya sbb lapor xmakan lunch...hehehehe..konon kebal tp xpon...
malam...kami makan steamboat...wahwahhh...mama casey lg yg hidangkan...u r so mummy reging u..hahhakksss

tp...xde la aku makan sampai licin sbb aku dah makan byk kat kampung life ptg tuh..hahhaa....

malam sakit perut n xleh tido sbb makan bercampur2 kot....atau aku takut sbb ujan malam tuh...aku dgr sumthing hantam pintu...hhehee...

pagi...heavy bekfes cam biase...pulang kan kasut wayan....indera deria nye xtvt kami skip sbb ujan...horrreeeyyyy...

kami p morning market kat pasar dungun bersama chef anne (menu master kat otel tuh, sian dia...walaupon cuti ttp dtg)

then...kami pegi beli ole2 kat lobi and tgk org mencanting batik....syiokkkk....aku sempat la tunjuk bakat sikit...pastuh lunch, mandi, bergambo lg ngan staff n balik..huhuhuh



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